HR Roundtable
Appearance on Litigation Radio
The Anatomy of a Workplace Investigation
As Published in Business NH Magazine. It has become increasingly important for human resource professionals and businesses owners to know how and when to conduct an internal (or external) investigation. There are many kinds of investigations, and the type and scope of...
BizCastNH Podcast Appearance
Listen to Charla on the BizCast NH podcast!
Is Your Workplace Prepared for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act?
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) which goes into effect on June 27, 2023, requires employers of fifteen or more to provide “reasonable accommodations” to a worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, unless the...
What’s Happening at the EEOC? A Snapshot of Recent Lawsuits Sharpens Focus for Employers
In a typical year, the EEOC can field between 60,000 and 80,000 charges of discrimination. Most are either settled through the EEOC’s voluntary mediation process or end up being resolved through state agencies (in places like Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire...
EEOC Files Religious Discrimination Suit for Employee Who Refused Flu Vaccine
Employers often struggle with determining whether an employee is entitled to a religious accommodation, especially where the employee is claiming that receiving a vaccination conflicts with sincerely held religious beliefs. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity...